
Next Cashflow Game will be on Saturday. May 31, 2008 at Starbucks Madrigal. Remember to bring your own calculator. P200 fee

Friday, June 13, 2008

Quotes of the Week!!!

Quotes of The Week


"Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. They did all that was expected of them and a little bit more." -- A. Lou Vickery

"The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary." -- Thomas Edison

"Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.´ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life." -- Mary Kay Ash

"The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people." -- Theodore Roosevelt

"Success is not a native of any nation neither is it related to any family, so you don´t have an excuse not to leave the imprint of impact of the sand of time before your time is over on this planet." -- Akin A. Awolaja

"The first qualification for success in my view is a strong work ethic." -- Henry Ford II

"Successful people begin where failures leave off. Never settle for ‘just getting the job done.´ Excel! -- Tom Hopkins

"The sages do not consider that making no mistakes is a blessing. They believe, rather, that the great virtue of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and continually make a new man of himself." -- Wang Yang-Ming

"Three rules for success.
"Number 1. Do what's right. Be on time, be polite, and be honest; remain free from drugs; and if you have any questions, get out your Bible.
"Number 2. Do your best. Mediocrity is unacceptable when you are capable of doing better.
"Number 3. Treat others as you want to be treated. Practice love and understanding."
-- Lou Holtz

"Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals." -- Jim Rohn

"Hard work often leads to success. No work seldom does." -- Harvey Mackay

"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." --Anthony Robbins


Work at Home Online Jobs said...

nice blog! care for a link exchange? im from alabang too. do u play cashflow in starbucks madrigal?

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....